Though the names of zones have changed through Recode Knoxville, the uses of those zones have largely stayed the same.

The charts below illustrate the changes made to each type of zone.

  • Notes are included to explain major changes in each zone.
  • The charts present percentage shares of old zoned acreage in new Recode zones.
  • Percentage shares that are very small may not be visible on the chart, but values are shown in the legend.
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Old Agricultural zones are now…
  • Agricultural to Institutional: Downtown Island Home Airport and a portion of UT Medical Center are now given the appropriate zone.
  • Agricultural to Open Space: this reflects properties that are currently parks.
  • Agricultural to Residential: small lots (with a minimum lot size of 5 acres) that have been developed with residences are now changed to reflect their use.


Old Commercial zones are now…
  • Commercial (C-6) to Industrial: the current C-6 zone permits commercial, office, and quasi-industrial uses. Recode does not include a commercial zone that permits such a wide range of uses. To avoid non-conforming uses, these changes will reflect the current use of properties (e.g., warehousing, outdoor storage, and other related activities).
  • Commercial (other) to Office and Institutional: these changes will reflect the current use of property.


Old Downtown zones are now…
  • Downtown to Commercial: property in areas adjacent to downtown that are currently zoned C-2 are now zoned commercial.
  • Downtown to Institutional: this change is primarily to accommodate zoning for KAT’s Transit Center.
  • Downtown to Open Space: parks and open spaces, such as World’s Fair Park and the downtown dog park, are now protected under open space zoning.
  • Downtown to Residential: residences located on the periphery of downtown, such as the Landing and City View Apartments, are now zoned residential to reflect their use.

Form District

Old Form District zones are now…


Old Industrial zones are now…
  • Industrial to Commercial: properties that are currently in commercial use are now given the appropriate zone.
  • Industrial to Residential: older residential uses, such as those along Branner Street and Hoitt Avenue, are now given the appropriate zone.


Old Office zones are now…
  • Office to Commercial: this change are now made for properties that are currently in commercial use and surrounded by other commercial properties.
  • Office to Industrial: current warehousing properties and other more intense uses are now given a more appropriate zone.
  • Office to Institutional: the current zoning ordinance does not have an institutional zone that permits hospitals and colleges. Recode Knoxville acknowledges that these uses are more intense than other office uses and will create a new zone for them. These changes were made for UT, Pellissippi State, and Knoxville College campuses, and for Fort Sanders, Tennova, and UT medical centers.
  • Office to Open Space: parks and open spaces, such as Volunteer Landing and James White Fort, are now protected under open space zoning.
  • Office to Residential: the current O-2 zone permits multi-family housing developments. This change reflects that use.

Open Space

Old Open Space zones are now…

All changes reflect current use of property; more than 99% of property currently zoned as open space will remain open space.


Old Residential zones are now…
  • Residential to Institutional: schools and large churches that are currently zoned residential are now given the appropriate zone.
  • Residential to Open Space: parks and cemeteries currently zoned residential are now protected under open space zoning.

Town Center

Old Town Center zones are now…

Recode does not include a town center zone. These changes reflect the current use of property.